Living on-campus provides you many advantages, including easy accessibility to class and campus activities. The Office of Residence Life is committed to making your home away from home enjoyable, safe, and developmental.
We pride ourselves on creating an atmosphere that will foster community building and personal development. We encourage you to use your living experience to cultivate a sense of community and collaboration with your hall mates by becoming involved participants. In every residence hall, you will interact with students from across the United States and around the globe, as you expand your worldview and make life-long friends.
For some of you, this will be your first opportunity to experience a community living environment. We would like to take time to remind all students that living on-campus is a privilege that comes with a great deal of joy and responsibility. Each person who lives and grows with us takes responsibility for their community and their individual success.
Location: Dean of Students Suite, 1st Floor, Main Hall
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: (434) 947-8119
Mail & Shipments:
Residence Life
Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Ave
Lynchburg, VA 24503
Randolph College is committed to providing an educational environment that is enriching both intellectually and interpersonally.
A prominent feature of our environment is the sense of community that is a result of the strength of our residential living experience.
Through on-campus residency, students develop strong interpersonal connections with their peers, enjoy social and educational experiences together, develop the ability to negotiate solutions to community and personal issues, and learn to appreciate the rich diversity of cultures, opinions, talents and experiences that our community offers.
Residency in a Randolph College residence is required of all students except those who are classified as Commuter Students.